April 24, 2024



(UPDATED 7/10/22 2:57PM)

The enemies of freedom are upping their attacks as the bio war on humanity intensifies.

The United Nations/World Economic Forum (UN/WEF) technocratic elite who say “you will eat bugs, own nothing and be happy” are setting up the next phase of the bio war against humanity to coincide with the designed economic, energy and supply chain collapse.  Their perfect storm of evil is brewing and so is the fear porn supporting it.

First there was the COVID-19 bioweapon attack, the lockdowns, then the deadly mRNA shots, then Monkey Pox and now: Marburg.

Be afraid. Be very afraid. Not of Marburg, but of the totalitarian response to it. If you think it was bad the last time, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

Remember, their bioweapons are always described as “never before” or “new” or “first-ever” since they are manmade gain of function viruses.  Don’t be fooled again.

Early findings of two Marburg virus cases have prompted medical officials in Ghana to prepare for a “potential” outbreak. If confirmed, these would be the first infections ever recorded in the country, and only the second in West Africa.

Marburg, like Ebola, is a highly infectious viral hemorrhagic fever. Samples taken from the two patients indicated they were positive for Marburg. But how can we trust anything these liars and con artists say anymore?

While this article focuses on the Marburg Virus Outbreak, we must take a deep dive journey down the rabbit hole to expose the evil behind it.

The UN/WEF/WHO/CDC/FDA, the Rockefeller Foundation, corrupt treasonous politicians, the DNC and their partners in the New World Order controlled mainstream media, our paid off “trusted” leaders, “experts”, celebrities and all of those who engaged in the COVID psyop, be it willful or not, are complicit in treason, mass murder and genocide.

Each of these organization and individuals involved followed the ROCKEFELLER OPERATION LOCKSTEP (2010) document to the letter. The document describes, “an authoritarian top-down approach” to dealing with a pandemic. And that is exactly what happened in 2020 across the world.

The traitors who sold out humanity actively pushed and promoted the fear porn, lied about COVID death counts, forced the masses into lockdowns, destroyed jobs and small businesses, fined and imprisoned Americans who would not comply with unconstitutional COVID mandates, created the supply chain crisis, culled millions of cattle and fowl, deliberately killed old people in nursing homes, yanked medical licenses of good doctors and nurses exposing the scam and fired those who wouldn’t take the deadly mRNA bioweapon shots.

60% of the small businesses that were forced to shut down or face massive fines never reopened. I could go on and on with the Gestapo tyranny of the lockdowns and crimes against humanity, but there are too many examples to list in this short article. What is certain is that the elite’s socio-economic war is not over and continues to have a lasting effect.

We see the brainwashed zombies everywhere. Driving alone in their cars or walking their dogs while wearing useless face masks. The elite created a masking ritual that for some has become gospel. Forever will they don masks like a religious sacrament before entering any store or place where others congregate. This is a key component of the mind control: social isolation. Masks also break down will and destroy identity, but that’s a topic for another article.

This madness was conjured by the media’s constant fear porn propaganda that caused a trauma-based reaction referred to by Dr. Robert Malone as mass formation psychosis. While it is not an on the books medically recognized condition, like gender dysphoria, it is a totalitarian tactic used in mind control.

These poor brainwashed souls embrace the medical mafia’s blatant and continuous lies because they, like most, blindly accept the admonitions of authority figures. This fact is well documented in a famous study known as the Milgram Experiment.


The Milgram Experiment

  • The goal of the Milgram experiment was to test the extent of humans’ willingness to obey orders from an authority figure.
  • Participants were told by an experimenter to administer increasingly powerful electric shocks to another individual. Unbeknownst to the participants, shocks were fake and the individual being shocked was an actor.
  • The majority of participants obeyed, even when the individual being shocked screamed in pain.

Like Fauci. An authority figure in a white coat who the media propped up as a “hip” kindly old grandfather figure who is really a cold-hearted psychopath. A wolf in sheep’s clothing and a devil in disguise. Evidence of Fauci’s cruelty and inhumanity has also been blunted by the evil medical mafia-controlled mass media.

Fortunately, public outrage has recently forced Fauci to cancel his torturous “medical” experiments on beagles. But the damage has been done. Severe damage. Irreparable damage. On so many levels. Psychological, physical and spiritual. Ignoring God’s word for COVID bucks, thousands of Churches, Synagogues and parishes closed their doors to worshippers. Pastors and rabbis who obeyed God’s word faced fines and were arrested. Do these actions reflect a kind and benevolent government that protects the rights, freedoms and property of its citizens, or a corrupt, tyrannical fascist dictatorship?

Yes, it is that bad. Worse to those who realize what comes next.

But sadly, those who have been brainwashed by the 24/7 fear porn media are unreachable. Face masks, hand sanitizer and fear of anyone sneezing or coughing is their new normal. You see them everywhere. The COVID Zombies. I estimate that at least 10-20% of the population are completely mind controlled by the COVID psyop. They are done. Finished. Put a fork in them. They have been demoralized. Or contaminated, as Soviet KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov detailed in a 1984 interview with G. Edward Griffin you can watch below:

All of the evil in the continuing aftermath of the COVID scamdemic was and is fully supported by the treasonous totalitarian politicians, officials and “experts” in Our governments. Like Fauci.

On the flip side, governors, like Ron De Santis and Kristi Noem, continue to protect the rights of their citizens and continue to be demonized by the paid minions of this evil globalist cabal determined to destroy America “to save the earth” from climate change.

Rest assured, or rather, beware: The global coup on freedom is not over. In fact, it has only just begun. By the year 2030 the UN/WEF seeks to reduce the world’s population by 80-90%. And so far, they are right on target.

Birth and fertility rates are plummeting while the death count increases, thanks most in part to the deadly mNRA injections, fentanyl overdoses, war, famine, weather warfare and other depopulation and destabilization schemes.

Like the Nazi deception that met arrivals at the concentration camps “Arbeit macht frei” or “Work makes you free”, the ecofascist United Nations has taken the same approach with Agenda 2030.

Notice the all-seeing eye of Horus that adorns the UN slogan below, FREEDOM FROM WANT, FREEDOM FROM FEAR, FREEDOM TO LIVE IN DIGNITY”. This operates on the same Satanic Law of Reversal principle employed at Auschwitz.


All of this should make more sense once you realize that eugenicist Nazis and Nazi supporters like Rockefeller and communists were behind the founding of the United Nations. Rockefeller donated the land where the UN building stands in NYC. Standard Oil partnered with IG Farben in a company called American IG Farben beginning in the 1920’s and throughout World War 2.

The Rockefellers have a long history of supporting eugenics, fascism and communism.

related to Rockefeller:

Trading with the enemy in World War II


If only those hi-jackers with box cutters on 9/11 veered as little more to the left.

This is why the deadly COVID shots kill, cause infertility and destroy the immune system so a simple common cold can become deadly. And all the while the media and politicians continue to gaslight us into neo-feudal serfdom and continuing genocide by design.

We are dealing with pure, diabolical unadulterated evil. How anyone can still not see this after what the world has experienced in the last two and a half years is mesmerizing. Those who are aware can no longer stay silent or on the sidelines.



Last week here in Connecticut, local TV news reported on one case of Monkey Pox with typical fear porn inductance. One case. This certainly sent the COVID Zombies into a terrified panic. Mask wearing has visibly increased, but fortunately, aside from the brainwashed for the most part Monkey Pox has fallen on deaf ears.

Clearly, the monkey pox psyop is not cutting it, so the mad scientist technocrats have created some new fear porn. In the southern Ashanti region of Ghana two unrelated patients who showed symptoms of Marburg died. Immediately, the corrupt WHO sprang into action deploying “experts” to support Ghana’s health response to their latest bioweapon. They are preparing for a “possible outbreak” which is code for the next phase of the bioweapon attack on humanity.

This means more FEAR PORN and another round of designed Rockefeller Operation Lockstep “authoritarian top down” responses to a manmade bioweapon deliberately spread around the world. This should be as transparent as a pane of glass to those who have eyes to see. To those still blind to the obvious and deliberate QUIET WAR ON HUMANITY waged by the UN/WEF global elite — get your eyes checked fast.

Remember, denial is not a river in Egypt.


Ghana prepares for possible first-ever Marburg virus outbreak | | UN News

The Rockefeller File


The Business Plot: When A Group Of U.S. Bankers Staged A Fascist Coup (allthatsinteresting.com)


Foundations of Holocaust: American eugenics and the Nazi connection – The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)

Hitler’s Employee Of The Rockefeller Foundation (modernghana.com)

The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics | History News Network
