April 26, 2024

HAPPY 2017!




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As we move into 2017 there is much to be thankful for.  

The sleeping giant has finally been stirred awake.

Thanks to the Wikileaks and Project Veritas revelations, the Shadow Government and their unspeakable evils have been exposed for the world to see.   So has their arrogant, blatantly biased and discredited controlled mainstream media.

As a result, the DNC and their neo-con New World Order Republican partners were unable to shift blame, or the public’s opinion of their treachery.  

The DNC stole their party’s nomination from Bernie Sanders and then with the help of their mainstream media partners in crime, consistently boasted about Hillary’s dominion in fake polls and news stories and about how Trump was a mean, terrible, xenophobic, misogynist racist who could never win.   

In their view, many of Hillary’s delusional crybaby supporters saw her loss as an unjust act of chauvenism and racism, ignoring the fact America elected a black president TWICE and that Trump’s campaign manager Kelly Ann Conway is a woman. 

These delusional souls are incapable of seeing their party’s own role in Hillary’s loss.  The People elected Trump not because America is racist, but rather because they want to restore America, not transform America.

America had enough with Obama’s lies and failures and expected much the same from Hillary Clinton, who was an extremely flawed candidate from the get go, but a goddess to her supporters, who believe she deserved to be president… and she is a women.

There is no logic or objectivity involved.  Only ideology.  Ideology trumps honesty and integrity.   The DNC are not unlike a cult, like Scientology.

As we have seen, the democrats and the media have a win at all costs mentality and a thirst for authoritarian rule under their subjective guidelines, with a penchant for cover ups.

They are totalitarians.  They do not believe in individual rights, they believe in majority rule.  America is a Republic, not a democracy as most are fooled to believe.

The democrats refuse to recognize these truths; and that their own lies, deceptions and corruption led to their demise, not racism or misogyny.  We the People simply saw through their charade, including many democrats.  

In fact, the delusional DNC were so arrogant and condescending in their certainty that due to media bias favorable to Clinton, fake polls and fake news reports, Hillary had the 2016 election in the bag.  

Trump’s victory  has left the DNC and many of Hillary’s supporters godsmacked.  

The truth is, even with dead voters and electronic voting machine tampering in five key battleground states as exposed by  Project Veritas and  BlackBoxVoting.org Trump won a handsome victory.

Trump’s victory has literally traumatized Hillary supporters, sending them running off crying to safe spaces and weeping parties across the nation.  These childish sore losers even want the electoral college abolished because they claim Hillary won the popular vote.  

If Trump had lost but won the popular vote, the democrats mantra would be, “get over it, we won!”

The electoral college was created so larger populated states like California and New York could not dominate Presidential elections, which is exactly what the democrats want.   Domination.  

The DNC/globalists want an open borders policy for three reasons:

  • To reduce wages limiting upward mobility and incrementally bringing the middle class into government dependent poverty.
  •  To utilize the Cloward-Piven Strategy, not out of the kindness and compassion for those oppressed by socialist despots, but because they and organizations like La Raza (The Race) want to increase the illegal alien population across the southern border states to gain dominance, since the electoral college is based upon population not citizenship.                                                                                                                             
  • To weigh down and eventually bankrupt the public welfare system to exact social change through poverty.  (You can’t make this stuff up.) This is also why all democrats do is tax and spend on wasteful and corrupt programs that benefit crony corporations.

The National Council of La Raza, whose former senior official helped draft the bi-partisan Gang of Eight Senate Bill, collected hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars under obscure provisions in S. 744.  

Obama allocated $4 billion dollars to the southern border, providing a slush fund for extreme left wing groups in the immigrant serving, advocacy and lobbying groups, like La Raza.

La Raza asserts that the states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and even Colorado as well as parts of Nevada should be separated from the United States. This is an outgrowth of the radical and treasonous views of Reconquista de Atzlan.    This is yet another act of treason committed under the Obama Regime.  The authors of these provisions should be tried for treason.

If you subtract the dead and illegal immigrant voters and other acts of election fraud committed by the DNC, and remove the liberal meccas of New York and California from the equation, Trump won the 2016 election by more than 3 million votes.  In any case, Trump won 30 out of 50 states and crushed Hillary in the electoral college.

Despite the mainstream media spin doctor’s best efforts to deflect and deceive the public, they were unable to  bamboozle the American People into buying their unsubstantiated bullshit, nor were they in their ridiculous delusions, able to nullify Trump’s election as Our next President. 

Ah, If only feelings could be regulated like the EPA regulates raw milk farms–but I digress. . . 


Wikileaks exposure of the above journalists and news reporters as DNC hacks who portrayed Hillary Clinton and the DNC in a favorable light led to the mainstream media “fake news” psyop, which brought the hidden authoritarian streak clearly into view with calls to “censor fake news sites” that actually told the truth and were damaging the establishment.

Trump’s tweets bypassing the mainstream media are as irritating to the elite establishment as they are pleasing to the public.  

It appears Trump’s ingenuity will bring serious and positive change to Washington, D.C.

 The blatantly biased mainstream media have sowed the seeds of their own destruction. 


Thanks to DrudgeReport.com and accurate alternative news sources deemed “fake news,” the dinosaur media continues to lose market share and influence by relentlessly focusing their myopic attention on propping up the establishment while ignoring the many evil criminal acts exposed by Wikileaks, like the existence of an elite international pedophile ring and other crimes revealed in the Clinton and Podesta emails.

Instead, the true fake news purveyors in the mainstream media spin bogus yarns and fables like Russia influencing the 2016 elections.

Democrats never take blame for their failures, or misdeeds.    The DNC are either delusional, or willfully doing their best to deceive the American People and conceal their criminal activities.

Could it actually be that designed to fail, unpopular democrat policies combined with DNC voter fraud exposed by Project Veritas and Wikileaks, or the DNC stealing the election from Bernie to anoint a lying, anti-American establishment globalist cost the democrats the election , not racism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, misogyny or Whitelash?   

While many on the left wrongly label Trump and most conservatives as racist/xenophobic/homophobic/misogynist/Islamophobes, or fear Trump will be the next Hitler,  they dismiss the many lies and un-Constitutional authoritarian measures implemented by Obama.

Also, having compassion for illegals doesn’t negate the fact that they are ALL criminals, who have broken the law.   They are not citizens and have no rights.   Face facts.    It is not racist to state and face facts.   It is delusional and purely subversive to think otherwise.

Obama and Hillary Clintons’s many crimes and acts of treason have no affect on their  morally bankrupt supporters because they are hailed by all good liberals like gods. Gods that deserve their positions of power and deserve to be worshiped.  

Many liberals truly feel Hillary deserved to be president because she has so much political experience.  Others simply worship Hillary because she has a vagina.

What Hillary Clinton really has done, and has done successfully for decades, is her penchant for selling America down the river for personal gain while maintaining loving PR and praise by the controlled mainstream media, who continue to ignore her many crimes and acts of treason. 


Some Hillary supporters are still so upset by this horrible unfairness, many are conducting crying group therapy sessions and fleeing to safe spaces and at liberal campuses nationwide.

They should all take Obama’s advice after he won the 2012 election.  “Deal with it”.

The problem is, Obama will be a visible and vocal presence in Washington for the next 4 or 8 years.  Hopefully, Obama will be viewed in the proper light by the public as a divisive agitator and establishment enforcer of social control, not social justice.

We can only hope that the Trump Administration allows the Department of Justice its do diligence to prosecute those who have violated not only the law, but have committed acts of treason and unspeakable evil. Perps like Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Lois Lerner, Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice, to name just a few.

We in the truth community and ALL AMERICANS must hold the Trump Administration’s feet to the fire.  Promises must be kept .  Constitutional government must be restored.

Although the New World Order is now out in the open, our work has only just begun. 
We must continue efforts to expose the United Nations Agenda 2030 protocols designed to de-industrialize the West into neo-fuedal serfdom and GET THE US OUT OF THE UN!

The United Nations speaks peace and makes war. 

The UN is a globalist controlled anti-American, authoritarian organization bent on the destruction of national sovereignty and the creation of a one world government modeled on the European Union and controlled by un-elected elitist bureaucrats.

We must continue to fight this and all collectivism from the internationalist traitors of the Shadow Government and defend Our individual God given rights. 

We must warn against the dangers of all forms of socialism and preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies both foreign and domestic. 

We must continue to expose the globalists operations.  Like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Arab Spring in Egypt, the diposing of Gaddaffi in Libya and what we are seeing now in Syria, are all part of the greater plan to control the middle east and plunder its resources.

Then there is the UN/Club of Rome’s silent weapons for quiet wars eugenics program using famine, poverty, geo-engineering, race specific bio-weapons, DNA alterations, GMO’s and water poisoned with fluoride and radiologicals, deadly disease causing pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines and many other deadly toxins, all aimed at reducing world population.

These are but a few of the many obstacles we will face in 2017.   There is too much hate, hypocrisy and division.  These are the tactics of oppressors and tyrants.    Be not of them.   In Our Unity is Our Strength.  

In 2008 Obama talked about bringing America together.  But for 8 years, “the fundamental transformation of America” has intentionally driving a wedge between us in purely Saul Alinksy Marxist inspired textbook style, setting back race relations 50 years and implementing deceitful job killing policies while allowing chaos and mayhem to fester in the streets, both home and abroad.     This, and only this is Obama’s true legacy.

Those who wish to divide, wish to conquer, control and dominate. 

Those who wish to unite, wish to spread freedom, prosperity and serve.   

Happy New Year!  God bless you all.      HN    


“Where truth the mainstream media ignores is the top story!”


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