May 17, 2024


by HN

(UPDATED 5/13/24 7:11AM EST)

Pastor Will Marotti loves his audience, and they love him.

Last month, WTIC Radio 1080 AM in Farmington, CT was acquired by George Soros’ media group. When this occured, Pastor Will assured his loyal audience that his call in format show would not be affected, or change, and that there should be no concerns.

But I was concerned; and I still am. . .

Sadly, and as I suspected, Pastor Marotti is now off the air.

Pastor Will Marotti

On the day before his final show, Marotti told his audience, with deep regret that could not be hidden in his voice, that he would be leaving WTIC and that Friday would be his final broadcast.

Stating he had a lot on his plate, which is absolutely true, if you know Pastor Will, (including having a new racing endeavor –Marotti is a big racing fan), and that the decision to leave WTIC was his own.

If that is all there is to it, I wish Pastor Will well.

It’s the timing that irks me.

Marotti told his audience that his abrupt departure was long planned and had nothing to do with recent on air comments (with yours truly) castigating George Soros, or the fact that WTIC, the leading conservative radio station in Connecticut was recently acquired by Soros.

If this is all true, and certainly understandable, why was Marotti’s departure so abrupt?

Pastor Will Marotti has been broadasting on Connecticut radio for two decades. He cut his teeth co-hosting with the late, great Brad Davis on and off for several years. Brad Davis was a terrific broadcaster. He was also a kind, generous and emotional soul, who often burst into tears on air when discussing emotional subjects. He was human. He was real. He was a faithful Christian, a proud veteran of the U.S. Marines, and a true patriot.

In those days Pastor Will served as Brad’s co-host. This was around 2009, the same time I began to catalogue my research, books and documents you must read to understand the New World Order @

They got to know me as the “former brainwashed liberal who voted for Obama,” when I called in, delicately dropping truth bombs and planting seeds exposing the elite’s open borders neo-feudal New World Order UN/WEF Luciferian global depopulation agenda.

After Davis retired in 2020 Marotti continued broadcasting with co-host Jim Vicevich until Vicevich was forced to leave due to health problems. Marotti then launched his own show, on WTIC, THE WILL MARATTI SHOW. Sadly, Brad Davis passed away in 2022.

Pastor Will’s growing understanding and articulating of facts to his extremely well informed audience over the years has been devastatingly effective against those who wish to destroy national borders and create a one world totalitarian socialist government. People like George Soros.

While the beloved Connecticut radio host and community leader and Senior Pastor at New Life Church in Wallingford, CT stated his departure from WTIC 1080 AM was amicable and of his own volition, the sudden timing and circumstance surrounding the Soros acquisition is certainly suspect and hard to dismiss, or discount as “coincidence.

That is, if you believe in coincidences.

On Thursday, April 18th, after hearing Pastor Will’s daily morning prayer, I was moved to call in to the show. His prayer that morning was, in my opinion among his greatest, if not his greatest, and I told him so on air.


In our brief discussion, I encouraged Will to continue to focus more on God and spiritual warfare in his broadcasts, as he did that day. Little did I know, in exactly one week from our talk that Marotti would announce his final show.

During our talk, I did forget to mention the CCP conspiracy with the DNC and other major elitist organizations that are also involved in the conspiracy to destroy the sovereignty of the nations of the world and end global freedom, like the Council On Foreign Relations and the CIA.

Pastor Will himself chimed in and mentioned “George Soros,” who is of course a member, operator and co-conspirator of these despotic elitist front organizations and a partner of the DNC and the CCP. Soro was also Marotti’s boss.

In our on air discussion on April 18th, 2024, I mentioned to Pastor Will that much of humanity’s confusion in the world today comes from the fact that humanity is facing a very real spiritual battle that many, if not most people are unaware of.

Those of us who do not have faith in our lives, and even many of the most faithful, cannot recognize, relate to, or realize the spiritual aspect to this battle because they are locked in material worldly things, that have buttressed their beliefs with decades of social engineering and mass media propaganda.

In essence, these spiritually blind people cannot see the forest because of the trees.

The on air discussion soon moved to the Satanic Law of Inversion and the looming despotism coming from the global elite’s transhumanist aspirations as they wage a silent war war against humanity.


It was a short, but great, informative talk. Caller Friday went on as usual. Everything was copacetic on Monday. It was a great show. The week continued as usual, but on Thursday, April 25th, exactly one week to the day when I called into the show, Pastor Will Marotti told his loyal audience that the next day, Friday, April 26th would be his final broadcast.

Marotti’s sudden exit and the recent acquisition of WTIC, a stalwart conservative radio station that has a wholesome 99 year track record of promoting family values and free speech, and 219 other conservative radio stations by George Soros certainly raises major free speech concerns.

George Soros scoops up 220 U.S. radio stations ahead of 2024 election – Washington Times

Now that WTIC is under the control and ownership of George Soros, who has both sworn to destroy the nuclear family and free speech, we can expect a steady, incremental dissolution of conservative thought, or watered down conservatism mixed with propaganda on stations across the country.

As a result, ratings will undoubtedly plummet, because WTIC in particular has very informed, sophisticated listeners who will immediately notice changes, or parameters set on programming and stop tuning in. True conservative listeners will vanish and WTIC and 219 other radio stations will implode by design. This is a deliberate act to deindustrialize the airwaves. Don’t doubt me! It is not an acquisition to build or transform stations to leftist views before the election, it is an aquisition to destroy the entire industry.

The only possible goal Soros could have is to slowly shut down conservative radio and bankupt it into extinction by design.

What else would you expect this sinister fiend to do?

Given the circumstances surrounding the Soros acquisition, and the wide open free speech call-in forum that Marotti gave to the public on his daily morning radio show, things were destined to change.

After all, Soros didn’t acquire 220 radio stations ahead of the 2024 election to make profits. George Soros is a nation killer, a collectivist parasite front person for the CENTRAL BANKSTERS, who acquired these stations to shrink them into extinction while censoring conservative voices to control the media narrative.

The Soros group has already shed thousands of middle class jobs in their acquisition of these conservative radio stations, using the job loss as cover, considering layoffs and firings are typical economic consequence of mergers and acquisitions.

This common business ploy is being used as cover as Soros venomously purges the most powerful on air conservative voices that promote God, family Country, the Constitution and freedom from the air.

So, in the normal “course of acquisitions,” Soros’ corporate guillotine has dropped, and the blood at WTIC is starting to flow, starting with Moratti. Under the guise of cost cutting, the best, most engaged with his audience radio host in Connecticut is gone.

This is only speculation, but my guess is, that Pastor Will may have refused to play ball and mentioned Soros, knowing full well what the repercussions would be, and he called it quits.

If this is true, it would explain a lot, but I am not going to speculate.

“Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”

Ephesians 5:11

If you read the local and mainstream media publications regarding Pastor Will’s departure from WTIC the vibe you get from all of them is the same, WTIC and other Soros acquired radio stations are “cutting the fat.”

Chip Roy and tens of millions of Americans including myself think otherwise.

Chip Roy raises alarms about George Soros’ purchase of radio giant Audacy | Fox News

Clearly Soros’ acquisitions are blatant acts of election interference in an attempt to eliminate influential conservative and libertarian voices from the airwaves.

Everything the global elite do has a hidden agenda, or objective that is usually the direct opposite, or an inversion of what the public believes.

For example, Bill Gates wants to depopulate the planet, but he wants to “save lives” with vaccines. He also wants to bury millions of trees and “block out the sun” to stop climate change. No hidden agenda there, right? But some people still can’t see.

That’s where I get back to the spiritual elephant in the room.

This is a war, my dear friends. Our personal freedoms have never been is such jeopardy. Despotic criminals with nefarious intentions for the American people have hijacked Our government. Make no mistake about it. THIS IS WAR!

If you haven’t, you better wake up fast.

My prayers and best wishes to Pastor Will and his family.

God bless you.

Will Moratti is co-Founder/Senior Pastor/President at New Life Church in Wallingford, CT



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When truth is called hate, when hate is called love, when ideological beliefs breed rage and violence, our society treads on dangerous ground. Ground that has been traveled many times before by fellow travelers and followers of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol-Pot and many other Utopian charlatan totalitarians throughout the centuries. Censorship should be a warning sign from history. For all of us. Silencing one silences us all.


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