May 8, 2024



By  Howard Nema


“Under fascism, citizens retain the responsibilities of owning property, without freedom to act and without any of the advantages of ownership. Under socialism, government officials acquire all the advantages of ownership, without any of the responsibilities, since they do not hold title to the property, but merely the right to use it — at least until the next purge.   In either case, the government officials hold the economic, political and legal power of life or death over the citizens.

When you have made evil the means of survival, do not expect men to remain good. Do not expect them to stay moral and lose their lives for the purpose of becoming the fodder of the immoral. Do not expect them to produce, when production is punished and looting rewarded. Do not ask, ‘Who is destroying the world?’   You are.

Needless to say, under either system [socialism or fascism], the inequalities of income and standard of living are greater than anything possible under a free economy — and a man’s position is determined, not by his productive ability and achievement, but by political pull and force. Under both systems, sacrifice is invoked as a magic, omnipotent solution in any crisis — and “the public good” is the altar on which victims are immolated.

When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion – when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing – when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors – when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you – when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice – you may know that your society is doomed.” 

Ayn Rand

The illusory image of utopia and the New Age propagandized by the cultural Marxists continues to flourish due to multi-generational indoctrination.

Those who are aware of this ongoing “transformation” either do not recognize, understand or are delusional, like the dumbed down sufferers of white guilt and the descendants of Southern slavery who embrace a system that enslaves them.

Like fascism, communism and socialism is good for the oligarchs, political leaders and corporations, not the people.   More than 100 years of history has proven this. Our free enterprise system created America’s wealth.

Ironically, these good hearted, Utopian positive thinkers ignore the fact that communism and socialism led to slavery, purges and the genocide of more than 100 million people.   We are talking about people like Vladimir Lenin who killed more than 20 million of his own people, Joseph Stalin who killed 40 million, Hitler, Mussolini Chairman Mao and Pol-Pot, who slaughtered millions of Cambodians 20 years after guns were banned in that country.

According to The Black Book of Communism, the Chinese Communists carried out a cultural genocide against the Tibetans. Jean-Louis Margolin states that the killings were proportionally larger in Tibet than China proper, and that “one can legitimately speak of genocidal massacres because of the numbers involved.”[182] According to the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration, “Tibetans were not only shot, but also were beaten to death, crucified, burned alive, drowned, mutilated, starved, strangled, hanged, boiled alive, buried alive, drawn and quartered, and beheaded.”

Are American’s embracing the oligarch’s puppet Obama’s “transformation” aware of these facts?   I know this is not taught in US indoctrination camps (schools).

Do these naïve drones really believe that Our generation will be more compassionate and fair.   Well, after all, fairness is one of the big issues of these ideologues.

Or worse: Do they embrace the realities of history simply as a means to justify the end.

If you studied the New World Order (communist/illuminist/socialist) agenda as I have for the last seven years, you would undoubtedly understand this and see how it has all manifested itself and woven into the socio-political and pop culture arenas of American life.

Having been educated in the NYC Public Schools from 1972-1985, I myself was conditioned to embrace all of this indoctrinating propaganda. I clearly remember celebrating May Day in the schoolyard at P.S. 160 – The Walt Disney School in the Bronx wrapping ribbons around the May Pole and being clueless to the communist and pagan ritual significance.

I was a no questions asked party line social democrat, as my father was. Yes, I like I am certain many people in America, voted like my father.

What an atypical sheep I was. To illustrate just how conditioned I was to the Party, I voted for Michael Dukakis in my first election in 1988. Then I voted for the Clinton crime family–not once, but twice. Damn, I even defending him from his detractors, with little research into the despicable, sleazy, murderous degenerate Bill Clinton was. This was how indoctrinated I was by the vast left-wing conspiracy.

I also voted for fraudster Al “Global Warming” Gore in 2000. That’s how sick I was. After all, liberalism is a disease. Thank God I found the cure: truth. I might add that truth is bi-partisan and that both sides are full of liars and deceivers working for the cause of the world socialism.

Obama proved to be yet another liar I voted for, But this time I took notice of the rockstar, Madison Avenue, Hollywood shine given to this unknown. He said everything I wanted to hear. There was going to be a real president. Someone greater than Clinton, who I thought was awesome. After all, the economy was so great under Clinton’s watch.

Little did I know he was a key culprit in the designed housing and economic collapse in 2008 with deregulation of the banks by the repeal of Glass-Steagall and the creation of the American Prosperity Act that allowed low income and minorities– almost anyone to get a mortgage for a house they ultimately couldn’t afford. Banks were actually pressured to approve loans by the Clinton Administration.

Yes. Up to this point I was but one of the still many deliberately dumbed down. I was a drone. An obedient servant, completely politically unaware that I was embracing my own servitude.

It was around this time in 2009 when the ether wore off on my love affair with Obama that I began to investigate why the world was changing so radically– and so much for the worse.

I started to deeply research American history and learned that Our money was created out of thin air by a private international banking cartel that charged Our government interest on every dollar printed.

This led me to read the constitution and deduce that the Supreme Court has treasonously upheld the Fed’s fiat currency take over of the U.S. money system.

The Constitution states that Money is to be gold and silver. Period. This was why America fluorished above all other countries that had private central banks and Fiat currency. In my research I also discovered that the personal income tax is 100% un-Constitutional.

I also came across something known as the New World Order.

Up to this time, I was oblivious to the NWO, communist(illuminist) indoctrination agenda. This caused great conflict, since I was soon realize that most of what I was taught and believed, was in fact a lie. I experienced cognitive dissonance many times during my period of awakening. This should be considered normal. A great deal of my belief system was based on lies. It took much more research to acknowledge this fact, but once I accepted the truth, I was relieved.

I realized almost all of my friends, family and co-workers had no clue about these things so I set off to wake them up, with little success.

I alienated far more people that I knew then I woke up. I was ostricized due to my insistence of the importance to understand why the world is the way it is.

In truth, I reached more strangers, some of whom became close friends. A few old friends caught on over time, but most dismiss my efforts with little or no investigation.

After all, the New World Order and the Federal Reserve banking system was not indoctrinated in school, neither was the Constitution, certainly not in today’s Common Core secular humanist schools. Not once was I taught in history class that Andrew Jackson killed the Rothschild central bank and was the only president in history to pay off the national debt which currently hovers around $19 trillion.

So I continued my research, reading hundreds of books on the subject of the New World Order; from Ralph Epperson to Eustace Mullins and William Cooper.

I studied the ancient Mysteries and listened to countless hours of lectures by Manly P. Hall, Helena Blavatsky and researched Freemasonry and the occult.  I quickly realized how much truth and knowledge was suppressed and unknown by the masses. It was obvious to me why this truth was occulted.

One suppressed truth is the fact that communism, socialism and fascism were all created by the illumined of the Masonic secret societies such as the Brotherhood of the Snake and the Order of the Quest.

The connections to history, historical figures and secret societies began to solidify my understanding of the Illuminati, or illumined ones, who descend thousands of years before Jesuit Adam Weishaupt created the Order of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776.

May 1 is also known as May Day, a pagan celebration embraced by the communism. The goal of communism (illuminism) is to destroy all religion and moral virtues, as is the goal of the Illuminati.

The 10 planks of communism are in actuality, the 10 planks of illuminism. I discovered that the Communist Manifesto was not written by freemason and Satanist, Karl Marx and Frederick Engel, but they were chosen to get the credit by the adepts of the illumined.

The purely evil goal of communism/illuminism is to destroy God, the family unit and all religions, install a one world religion (New Age), a one world government and instill immorality throughout society. What we are experiencing today in Amerika illustrates how much has changed in a little less than 100 years.

Through pop culture and the controlled mainstream media, the New World Order has managed to cast an atheistic dionysian spell over humanity. There is no denying that America is fast becoming a Sodom and Gomorrah under the guise of fairness and equality, while being unfair and unequal to those who oppose this incidious ideology.     Liberalism is a quintessential example of hypocrisy and authoritarianism in action.

Americans must stop focusing on PC issues that are designed to enflame and divide us.   Stop focusing on leftist agenda issues like gay marriage and protesting the Confederate Flag and start Protesting the Federal Reserve crime syndicate and their corrupt political partners who have done more to enslave this country since 1913 than the white Europeans and their African tribal leaders who often sold their own people into slavery.

Where is the outrage over that fact? Or that black on black crime far outweighs white against black crime as does black against white crime. Well, that truth simply isn’t politically correct. It is also not politically correct to point out that Planned Parenthood targets blacks and minorities and the fact that 50% of black pregnancies end in abortion. Not to mention that the black community have the most broken families and single parent households.

So much for Al Sharpton helping his oppressed people. If that was Freemason Al Sharpton’s goal, he would be speaking out against the true ills of the black community and stop blaming whitey.

To make the world safe for democracy, which is nothing more than socialism, the Federal Reserve and the Tax-Exempt foundations have created wars, famines, depressions and genocide while getting fabulously rich in the process and ever widening the gap between rich and poor.

America is not a Democracy, it is a Constitutional Republic.

We are all slaves to these masterful spin doctors and their social control mechanisms. WAKE UP! Freedom is not a sporting event. It is not the red team vs the blue team, rather the red team and blue team reading from the same Saul Alinsky playbook.

In his infamous tome, “RULES FOR RADICALS”, Alinksy dedicated his book to the first radical: Lucifer. Look it up. You can’t make these truths up!

Still, too many sheople can’t, or are unwilling to figure this out. Sadly, while Americans stay distracted and divided, demorats and republiscum get rich, rich, rich speaking out of both sides of their mouths.

Meanwhile, the gap between rich and poor continues to widen year after year, through both republican and democratic regimes and more and more laws and treasonous executive actions strip away our God given inalienable rights. Regulatory agencies like the FDA have become the muscle arm against natural remedies and organics in favor of Big Pharma drugs and Monsanto GMO.

Statistics revealing that medical treatment is the #3 killer in the US is suppressed. As is the fasct that more than 120,000 Americans are killed by pharmaceutical drugs. More than 450,000 Americans die as a result or properly administered medical treatment. This is above and beyond malpractice.

The alphabet soup of Federal agencies tasked with regulating industries are headed by key executives from the industries they are supposed to be regulating in a revolving door system that has stiffled competition and US economic growth by design.

It began with the Division of Chemistry that was later known as the Bureau of Chemistry and morphed into the Food and Drug Administration. The name was changed to FDA to conceal the Rockefeller chemical industry alliance. An alliance that continues to this day. The FDA provides a legal immunity to the food additives and pharmaceutical industries.

Remember, every drug and food additive that has ever been banned by the FDA was first approved by the FDA.

The FDA is not alone in its trickery and deceptions. There are literally hundreds of regulatory agencies that keep the powers that be as the status quo.


Don’t harm the desert mouse, GIVE UP YOUR LAND!

Don’t harm the microbes at your lakefront home or YOU WILL BE FINED!

Don’t use too much water or YOU WILL BE FINED!


You cannot live off the grid – YOU WILL BE EVICTED BY THE STATE MAFIA!



From the FCC to the EPA, we are slaves to these oligarchs, who mind control humanity through 6 companies that own and control 90% of mass media we see/hear/read.

It is time to WAKE UP!

The U.S. communist education system has been developed over more than 60 years to graduate Marxist-Leninists from the Frankfurt School of thought.   These “minds” are now educating Our children and running for political office.

There is either freedom or slavery. The Blue team and the Red team both claim they are working to protect Our freedom as it withers away with draconian laws and executive orders. Both sides of the political aisle work directly for the forces that are causing all the division and decay in Our society. Their communist slogans emphasize this: “CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN”, “FORWARD” and the “TRANSFORMATION OF AMERIKA.”

DO SOMETHING – END THE FED! END THE IRS. These “institutions” are two of the key 10 PLANKS OF COMMUNISM (Illuminism) we have been force fed to believe help stabilize markets and the economy.

History has proven this to be another big lie. Like it or not, religious or not, we are all, all of us deeply involved in a spiritual battle between the forces of good and evil. Make no mistake about it. And we are destroying ourselves from within. It is time to wake up.